Matter is never destroyed, but passes from form to form to form, from the gases that whisper in between voids to the fires that blaze in the heart of stars to the blood that pulses in the veins of one in the first blush of love.
— From "The Blood That Pulses In The Veins Of One"

short fiction

short stories from 2013 - present


these stories are my favorite. read them to get a taste of what my writing is like. note: several of these were published under the name JY Yang or JY Neon Yang.


A Stick Of Clay, In The Hands Of God, Is Infinite Potential

Clarkesworld, May 2020. 10,700 words

To the pilot, Phoenix smells like blood. Or at least the mech smells like the pilot’s mouth tastes every time it bites down and the copper floods in, so that’s close enough. It’ll have to do. The pilot likes it better in here than out there anyway, because outside the pilot has a troublesome body that bleeds when cut and won’t listen to what it wants, but in here the pilot has no body and no shape, only Phoenix-shape, and Phoenix is shaped like a knife, or a missile, or a swift punch, something meant to rend and destroy. Phoenix bends the shape of the universe to its will. 

Gender, God, and giant robots. Stick is a lab-grown soldier who knows nothing but life as the pilot of Phoenix, a deadly weapon in a holy war. But Stick is also devoted to Versus, the young woman who forms the mech’s living heart. When Versus pushes their team to do the unthinkable, Stick must choose between duty & obedience, or following her into rebellion.

Circus Girl, the hunter, and Mirror Boy, January 2019. 9,800 words

“Fuck off,” I said, to which Shane went, “Uh, what?”

“Nothing.” I shuffled away from the mirror and flounced down next to the dining table, trying not to breathe too harshly. After ten years spread over the tumult of late adolescence and early adulthood, I had thoroughly convinced myself that my year with Mirror Boy was all made up, an artifact of a traumatized mind. A coping mechanism. But I was better now. The broken girl I used to be had grown up into a functional adult. Why had he come back?

A finalist for Best Novelette in the inaugural Ignyte awards. As an orphaned sixteen-year-old, Lynette was haunted by the ghost of Mirror Boy, the drowned child who replaced her reflection. Ten years later, she’s built herself a new life, but all that is threatened when Mirror Boy returns, warning of danger. A hunter has come for both of them, and unless Lynette can figure out what’s going on, they will both perish.

Waiting On A Bright Moon, July 2017

Xin is an ansible, using her song magic to connect the originworld of the Imperial Authority and its far-flung colonies— a role that is forced upon magically-gifted women “of a certain closeness”. When a dead body comes through her portal at a time of growing unrest, Xin is drawn deep into a station-wide conspiracy along with Ouyang Suqing, one of the station’s mysterious, high-ranking starmages.

between the firmaments

The Book Smugglers, 2018

A three-part novella that details the romance between two gods, set in an occupied city where being a god is illegal. Bariegh has survived by hiding his divinity from the cruel Overseers, but he puts himself and his loved ones at risk to shelter Sunyol, an alluring but naive godling freshly arrived in the city.

Auspicium Melioris Aevi 

Uncanny, January 2017

The Academy grows clones of long-gone world leaders like heirloom tomatoes, training them as mentors for current world leaders. Close to graduation, the fiftieth clone of Harry Lee Kuan Yew has decided he wants to buck the system. But will the system let him?

The Blood That Pulses In The Veins Of One

Uncanny, May 2016

Immortal alien cannibals. Imagine Doctor Who meets Hannibal:  two TV series that honestly did not need any sort of crossover, and yet: here we are. Content warning for gore and violence.


Originally appeared in From The Belly Of A Cat (ed Stephanie Ye, Math Paper Press, 2013), reprinted in Lackingtons, 2015

Feeling trapped by her loneliness and her uninspiring job, Felicity dreams of transformation into a tiger, over and over. Picked for the LeVar Burton Reads podcast in 2019.


the full list

all the standalone fiction I’ve had out between 2013 and now







Cold Hands And The Smell Of Salt in Daily Science Fiction (Jan 23)

Tiger Baby reprinted in Lackington's (Winter 2015 issue)

  • Re-reprinted in the Apex Book of World SF #4 (ed. Mahvesh Murad, Apex Books)

  • Re-reprinted in The New Voices of Fantasy (ed. Peter S. Beagle & Jacob Weisman, Tachyon Publications)

 A Sister's Weight In Stone in Apex #72 (May 2015)

RED IS THE COLOUR OF MOTHER DIRT in Athena's Daughters, Vol 2  (anthology, Silence In The Library publishing)

Re: (For CEO's Approval) Text for 10th anniversary exhibition for Operation Springclean in Bahamut Journal Vol 1

Letter From An Artist To A Thousand Future Versions Of Her Wife, Lightspeed Queers Destroy Science Fiction! Special Issue

A House Of Anxious Spiders, The Dark, Issue 9 (August 2015)

Temporary Saints, Fireside , Issue 28 (October 2015)

Song Of The Krakenmaid, Lackington's (Fall 2015 issue)


Storytelling For The Night Clerk in Strange Horizons (June 16)

Harvestfruit in Crossed Genres, for their Flash Fiction issue (July)

Patterns Of A Murmuration, In Billions Of Data Points in Clarkesworld #96 (September)

 Mothers' Day  in LONTAR #3


Old Domes  in We See A Different Frontier (ed Fabio Fernandes and Djibril al-Ayad, Publishing)

Tiger Baby in The Belly Of The Cat (ed Stephanie Ye, Math Paper Press)